11 1/2 Weeks Old |
Obviously in the beginning when she slept all the time it was super easy - well I say that, I found myself exhausted all the time, and the thought of having to get up and take washing upstairs was even more draining.
Now Zoe is 10 months old, I find everything much easier. She happily amuses herself, playing with her toys. I can take her into the kitchen and leave her on the floor with a few kitchen things and do the washing up, make some lunch, without her screaming or crying at me for attention. I can hang the washing outside whilst she tries to catch the cat, or Zoe pulls it out of the basket onto the dirty floor. And then while she sleeps I get the time for myself, to watch the program that I missed the other day because she insisted on stealing the remote and pressing all the buttons. Or do the kitchen jobs quicker so that I can spend more time with her between nap times.
Nap times = me time.
So now whilst she sleeps, I can have that 10 minutes. That cup of tea. My fix of the hot guy in my favourite TV program. Write this blog (which is a completely new thing to me!)
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